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Primarily self-paced and student-led, Banqer High Stage 3 complements a school’s pastoral care program, simulating decisions around leaving home, career pathways and higher education, debt management and other critical choices made from the ages of 17 - 22.
Learn how Banqer High achievements foster deep engagement, motivation, and reward students for mastering financial skills.
Teaching financial literacy is crucial but challenging. The Teacher Resource Hub offers a wealth of engaging and practical resources to make money matters more understandable for students. Here's a quick look at the top five Banqer Primary resources that could be perfect for your classroom.
Learn how to set up an interactive class economy and foster discussions around 'needs' vs 'wants' using Banqer Primary
Explore the challenges young people face around financial capability and educators' obstacles in delivering financial education. Understand what might happen if financial literacy levels don’t improve and what educators can do about it.
Cyber security and the protection of data is so important - especially when it comes to our children
Are you using our lesson plans to teach Banqer in your classroom?? Did you know there are additional resources to complement our lesson plans?
Getting started with Banqer High? Here are tips on how to plan for the time you have and the order in which to activate each module.
Getting started with Banqer Primary? Here are tips on how to plan for the time you have and the order in which to activate each module.
Banqer Primary utilises gamification and Achievements to engage students in financial education.
Banqer, the financial education platform that’s used by over 50% of primary schools, and a third of secondary schools in Aotearoa, has recently closed a $1.5m NZD capital raise.
Managing risk is an important life skill. Parents can help their children understand the importance of insurance with our conversation starters.
Helping your kids build financial resilience is a powerful way to support their financial futures. Explore how, with our top tips for any age.
Talking about money helps your kids become financially capable adults. But doesn’t have to be difficult! Read our tips for productive conversations at home.
Alex Miller has moved on from Banqer. He's contributed immensely as a developer to practically every aspect of Banqer Primary and Banqer High.
We want to ensure financial education can continue during this period of disruption, so have developed a way for the Banqer lessons to keep going over the next two weeks; Banqer TV.
From Monday 4th to Friday 15th May we’ll be hosting three Banqer lessons a week via Banqer TV. Each lesson will run for 30 minutes and students will be provided with an activity to complete after the lesson …