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  • Banqer High feels like a gaming platform. But what it's really doing is increasing the financial capabilities of the students.

    Matt Benassi, Commerce Teacher, Cashmere High

  • Banqer fitted in perfectly with what we were doing already, reinforcing what we were covering in class in a realistic and engaging way.

    Phil Temple, Head of Commerce, St Andrew’s College

  • Banqer High provides what we have been unable to, a financial bridge between now and the students’ futures.

    Brad Cachopa, Acting Head of Department for Finance and Society, Westlake Boys High School

BHJ Case study

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BHS NZ Case Study

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Topics in Banqer High Stage 3

Primarily self-paced and student-led, Banqer High Stage 3 complements a school’s pastoral care program, simulating decisions around leaving home, career pathways and higher education, debt management and other critical choices made from the ages of 17 - 22.

visual depicting the student journey and topics covered in the financial literacy program banqer high stage 3. the text says "A virtual experience. It's a simulated experience where you'll face real-life situations like leaving home, choosing a career and managing debt. You'll choose what to do as you go, and see the results of your decisions."

Award winning financial education platforms for schools

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